Voice Of Children
VOC is a ‘Psycho-Spiritual Tool’ developed by DB ARK to accompany the YAR from ‘Brokenness to Wholeness’. It is designed in seven stages. Each stage has a three-day intense program where a limited number of around 24 children are accompanied by four to six animators. Each stage is spaced out with about one month, so that the process may have its impact on the child in his/her journey towards wholeness. On the one side it needs time to heal, and on the other side it needs time to undergo a change in the mind-set and acquire new skills-set. It takes time to develop new attitudes and get motivated. Each stage is punctuated with counseling sessions, personal follow up, regular practice of new skills, good deeds, etc. Meanwhile the animators paint a profile of each child to understand and accompany him/her better. The program focuses on igniting hope in every one and assures them that they can reach it.
Another way of looking at the VOC is:
a. It helps the children to find their ‘VOICE’
b. It helps them to express their ‘VOICE’
c. It inspires them to facilitate others to find their ‘VOICE’
d. It helps them to empower others to express their ‘VOICE’
‘VOICE’ is the inner core/central meaning/aspiration
VOC aims at developing the individuals to become agents of change in themselves, and in the society. It culminates in the discovery of the “Good News” implanted in them by God, and become passionate about sharing this experience with others. Thus they become “Young Evangelizers”, and later “Transformational Leaders”. These workshops contain SEVEN specific Modules or Phases to accompany the YAR from the Vicious Circle of Deprivations to the Virtuous Circle of Enhancements.