The Don Bosco Animation and Research Kendra
The Salesians of Don Bosco have been working for more than 40 years for the Young at Risk (YaR) – Street Children, Child Beggars, Child Laborers, School Drop-outs and other Children at risk of their growth and development.
Youth ministry is the key role of Don Bosco Society. With the inception of New Delhi Province this ministry has been carried forward in different ways. In May 2007 Fr. Joe Arimpoor was appointed as the Youth Pastoral Delegate of the Province. He envisaged a Youth Animation Kendra that would contribute to this ministry. Officially approved by the Province, he started DB ARK (Don Bosco Animation and Research Kendra) in June 2009. Prior to starting this center he has been involved in this field. He has been a pioneer in the field of working for the YaR from as early as the year 1979. He initiated his work for child laborers in Tamil Nadu. Since then there has been no turning back. Wherever he has gone, he has made a mark on thousands of lives and till date continues to do the same.
A number of projects are being carried out through DB ARK for the youth as well as youth workers. And the specialty of all the projects is that they are all research backed, hence built on solid rock. Although there are a number of projects being carried out, but there is a common thread running through all the projects, that is the Good News.